Lukedom Breeder's Team 4th Place from 9 teams
Super proud of all these beautiful girls <3 span="">3>
RUBISS Ch Lukedom All Eyez On Me (Duke/Pryze)
RUBISS Ch Lukedom Let's Go Party AI (Cervelo/Pryze)
Ch Lukedom Starz In Her Eyez (Bullet/Pryze)
Lukedom Strictly Taboo (Presley Kendra) — withMarcelle M Brown, Deb Moran, Jess Cullen, Donna Alarie, Jaime Grech, Julie Angwin, Sue Shrigley,Tiane Blaik, Kelli Whillock, Laura Ritchie, Veronika Slamborova, Melanie 'Power' Tinker and Lukedom Weimaraners.
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