Thursday, March 24, 2016

Easter Show March 24 Weimaraner Club Specialty Show

"Finally home after a long day at our Weimaraner Club Specialty show. I only had Barbie with me today and was very proud of her results- 2nd in a very strong Intermediate Bitch line up (with the class winner going onto Bitch CC/RUBISS). Barbie has been to every available Wei Specialty and has had 5 x 1st Place and 2 x 2nd Place and also 2 Classes in Show under the Weimaraner Specialists so to say I'm happy with her is an understatement :) <3 and="" biss="" bronnie="" bullet="" congratulations="" course="" for="" fun="" games="" greydove="" in="" ivill="" lukedom="" melanie="" more="" nbsp="" neuter="" of="" ower="" representing="" roxie="" rubiss="" see="" show.="" span="" team="" their="" tinker="" to="" tyler="" weimaraners="" with="" you="">on Sunday at the Royal!"

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