Saturday, September 1, 2018

Cervelo daughter, Lottie with owner , handler Georgie winning BEST STATE BRED IN SHOW !!!! CONGRATULATIONS +++ Georgie + Lottie !!!

Georgie wrote: 

What a whirl wind of a day , I still think I am floating on cloud nine. Today at Ulverstone Kennel Club Inc. Championship Shows in the AM Show:
"Lottie" Ch Ghostwind Louise Vuitton (AI) was awarded BCC and Best of Breed (11pts) under judge Mr R Wall (TAS) and State Bred in Group. In general specials under judge Mr T Tancred (NSW) was awarded:


was absolutely blown away as this was Lottie's first Allbreeds Class in Show 💜

In the PM show was awarded BCC (8pts) and Runner up Best of Breed under judge Ms K Santas (NSW)

Thanks to Josh for taking this photo for me


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