Friday, December 14, 2018

OFA results for Cervelo daughter, Vedder + son, Hunter. Dec,14, 2018

Very happy to get OFA results back for Vedder and Hunter 
Vedder is OFA Hips (Good), OFA Elbows (Normal), OFA Patellas (Normal), OFA Thyroid (Normal). Just need to submit previously completed soft tissue results to obtain her CHIC number! She is GCH/UKC CH Wynder's Beneath The Waves CGN RN TT FDJ V
Hunter is OFA Hips (Good), OFA Patellas (Normal), OFA Thyroid (Normal). Same story on his soft-tissue results that I need to submit and he will also have his CHIC.
He is GCH Wynder's Yellow Ledbetter CGN
So happy with these gorgeous littermates!

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