Thursday, October 3, 2019

FACEBOOK MEMORY Olga Daughter of Legend , "Olga Del Bosque de Lugh" who was bred to Cervelo

My sweet Olga
Daughter of Legend , "Olga Del Bosque de Lugh" in Mexico with Raul Chanes Berrones ·"Chanes weimaraners" DID IT AGAIN in Expocan 2014
Number #1 of breed ! Congrats my friends , the best to the best !!!!!! Go Go Go  ;D are very proud !

Daughter of Legend , "Olga Del Bosque de Lugh" in Mexico with Raul Chanes Berrones ·"Chanes weimaraners" DID IT AGAIN in Expocan 2014
Number #1 of breed ! Congrats my friends , the best to the best !!!!!! Go Go Go  ;D are very proud !
 — with Tom LyonMary Ann Richard and Raul Chanes Berrones.

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